Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cheats To

sleepwalking Duck, Duck Part

Hello, Pandas:
sure you're dying to know what happened to Duck the sleepwalker. The other day I was She is sleepwalking could lead to using food to bed. Can you guess what it has gobbled up Duck? That, a lot of rich potato chips Bruno!
I ran to San Franpanfu and Max was left alone with Duck. Hehe, so there will surely be tested value. ;)
I wish I had stayed on guard. Duck did not stay still, moving without stopping. He spent all night walking around with the rock and muttering something. The only thing I understood was "Yes, sir."
Well, I is not had it easy! Bruno's restaurant was closed. :shock: So I went to look at his tree house, stuck in the door and got in my pajamas .. -print pajamas chips.: D When I told him that Duck was sleepwalking at me low win, but I know how to convince Bruno: you have to make the ball! I told him that their fries are the best around Panfu. It did not tell him twice, then began to cook!
Luckily our plan worked. We bring fries nose for the smell and guided to the fire from the beach.
like a little dog followed us. We left there around the potatoes so they will not rise again. ;)
Well, one thing is certain: When Duck wakes up from his deep sleep, we return to find out where it comes from and what has happened. Sure is battling a bad memory.
you well
Max and Ella


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